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Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition has just been released by Dovetail Games. The big question is this: Will your Coolsky addon aircraft work with this re-release of FSX?

I have now tested the Super 80 Classic, Super 80 Pro, and the DC-9 Classic standard and cargo edition with the Steam Edition of FSX. It looks like I need to make a few adjustments to make our aircraft work 100% with FSX:SE. There doesn't seem to be any major issues fortunately, so it shouldn't take long to implement the fix. We are however now right in the middle of the Christmas Holiday season here so I can't say for sure when I will have the updates ready for you. I will do my best to get it all done and released as soon as possible.

It looks like we will have to go with two separate dedicated versions of each aircraft; one for the old FSX and one for FSX: Steam Edition. You will be able to use both versions with the same license though, so you can choose which sim to use - or even both sims if you want.

For now I'm really liking FSX:SE. It is essentially the same sim as we've already had for a number of years now, but the installation was a breeze and it does seem to run slightly faster than the old FSX. I definitely like that. Hopefully, this release will bring some new people into our hobby. We need more people getting excited about flight simming.

Merry Christmas to all of you!


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