The DC-9 Classic manuals are available as free downloads. If you would like to have a look at the User Manual (product details and features) or the Aircraft Operating Manual (operations and system descriptions) before buying the DC-9 Classic, please feel free to download them here.
These manuals are copyright protected and may not be redistributed or reused in any way.
Section 1: Emergency
Section 2: Limitations
Section 3: Normal Operating Procedures
Section 4: Planning & Performance
Section 5: Aircraft General
Section 6: Ice & Rain Protection
Section 7: Electrical
Section 8: Fire Protection
Section 9: Aircraft Fuel
Section 10: Pneumatics, Air Conditioning & Pressurization
Section 11: Hydraulics, Brakes & Landing Gear
Section 12: Flight Controls
Section 13: Inst/Nav/Comm
Section 14: Auto Flight System
Section 15: Oxygen
Section 16: Powerplant & Auxiliary Power
Section 17: Weight & Balance
Section 18: Maneuvers & Procedures
Update 2012-09-12: Release version uploaded.