  • Super 80 Pro Video Tutorial

    Being an old design, the MD-80 cockpit has what seems like knobs and switches everywhere. This can be a bit confusing and overwhelming for the pilots just starting to fly this bird. One of the most frequently asked questions we get on the support forum is "how do you start it up?". Well, this video tutorial seeks to answer that very question.

  • DC-9 Classic Widescreen

    You asked for it and here it is: The widescreen version of the 2D panel! You will now be able to fly and view the DC-9 Classic on your cool widescreen display without any stretching or squeezing.

  • DC-9 Classic Auto Config

    The Automatic Aircraft Configuration feature, or Auto Config for short, has become one of the signature features of my aircraft. The idea for it came as the answer to the question which has spawned a lot of the features in my aircraft; what would I like to see in a product that I would buy?

"It is without a doubt that the Coolsky plane is one of the best aircraft addon for beginners. Its intuitive panel setup and amazingly helpful Super 80 Center with Integrated Cockpit Training System are for sure a treasure trove for those not familiar with jetliner (and MD-80!) procedures. As a result, I highly recommend this plane for beginners, or those that are simply not at all familiar with this type."

- Benjamin van Soldt, simFlight.com

Read the full review over at simFlight.com.

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Blog Posts

  • FSX vs P3D: The Rematch


    FSX, Prepar3D, X-Plane – who won the battle for flightsim supremacy last year? It has been said that “there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”. With that in mind, let’s have a look at the 2014 Avsim Demographic Survey.

  • Full Flight Tutorial Videos


    Mike Dart of ProFsxVideos on Youtube has posted a comprehensive and detailed four-part full flight video series featuring the DC-9 Classic. Mike takes us along on a short range flight in the DC-9 Classic from Hannover to Nuremberg, Germany.

  • Stavanger - Tromsø in the DC-9


    Join Matthias Hanel on this flight report as he flies the DC-9 Classic from Stavanger in southern Norway all the way up to the far north for a landing in snowy Tromsø.

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